Uncategorized | December 13, 2016
The Wyoming Arts Council is proud to announce 25 bands selected to represent Wyoming’s Independent Music in the inaugural year of the Western States Art Federation’s (WESTAF) program, IMTour. The Independent Music on Tour (IMTour) program was created by musicians for musicians, and offers underappreciated artists support in the areas of professional development, exposure to new audiences, opportunities to play shows at new venues, and, most importantly, money. IMTour offers a multitude of financial incentives for both musicians and presenters that have not been previously available. These 25 Wyoming roster artists will be able to use the IMTour site to book shows in participating states, including Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
The list was juried by music industry professional Bryan Cross. Cross resides in Hollywood, CA, where he dedicates his time to growing music education in the Rocky Mountains. An accomplished front of house engineer, studio engineer, and producer, he is currently touring with Gwen Stefani as her Production Manager. There were 41 artists and bands who applied to take part in the initial program.
The 25 selected artists are:
1. The Patti Fiasco
2. Dauphin
3. John Paul Hodge and the dirtboys band
4. Whiskey Slaps
5. Patrick Chadwick
6. Canyon Kids
7. Chanman Roots Band
8. Whippoorwill
9. Dave Munsick and The Little Big Band
10. J Shogren Shanghai’d
11. The Libby Creek Original
12. Kalyn Beasley
13. Bondurant
14. Larasee County
15. Redbush
16. Tris Munsick and the Innocents
17. Mike Hurwitz and the Aimless Drifters
18. Wynona
19. Jared Rogerson
20. Harpoon, The Whale
21. Low Water String Band
22. Brand 307
23. Isaac Hayden
24. Elk Tongue
25. The Two Tracks
The Wyoming Arts Council looks forward to expanding their reach in the future to help independent musicians, venues, and presenters build a robust music scene in Wyoming.
For additional information, please contact the Wyoming Arts Council at 307-777- 7742 or arts@wyo.gov.