Featured News | September 27, 2017
Justin Hayward’s charcoal drawing of a moose was one of the works selected, image courtesy of the artist
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is building a new Regional Office and Wildlife Forensic and Fish Health Lab in Laramie. The new building qualifies for Wyoming’s Art in Public Buildings (APB) program. The call for artists went out in May and 36 Wyoming artists submitted proposals. After a multi-step review process and artist presentations, the selection committee has chosen four artists to create work for the building. They are:
The selected artists will be creating 2D paintings and drawings, and 3D work for the building. The work will focus on regional birds and fish, game and nongame species, and the landscape of the Laramie region. Artwork will be completed and installed in early summer 2018.
The new facility will house offices, including for wildlife law enforcement, biologists, access, outreach, conservation, and education staff, a conference room that will be available for public use, and a lab that provides such services as wildlife forensic and ballistic testing, fish health and tooth aging. This office will also be open to the public for general hunting and fishing information and to purchase licenses.
The Art in Public Buildings was established by state statute in 1991 and is designed to beautify Wyoming’s public buildings and draw attention to the wealth of artistic experience within our region. The artwork for each project is selected by a committee specifically selected for that project. Each committee typically consists of representatives from the community in which the building is located, representatives from the user agency, artists or other representatives from the art community, and the architect for the building. The Wyoming Arts Council coordinates and leads the committee meetings to help administer the project, but does not vote on the selection of artists or artwork.
For more information, contact Wyoming Arts Council Assistant Director Rachel Clifton at rachel.clifton@wyo.gov or 307.777.5305.