Uncategorized | April 27, 2011
Mozart’s “Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major and his composition “Vesperae de Dominica,” will be the highlights of the 2011 Music of the Masters Concert featuring the Casper College choirs, the Casper College Chamber Orchestra and soloists Jerome Fleg, Gary DePaolo, and Douglas Bull on Sunday, May 1 at 2 p.m.
The concert will begin with a performance of Mozart’s “Concerto” featuring Fleg on clarinet, followed by “Concerto for Viola and Orchestra in G Major” by George Phillip Telemann featuring DePaolo on viola, and ending with “Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra” by Johann Nepomuk Hummel featuring Bull on trumpet.
The second half of the concert the Casper College Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and Collegiate Chorale will perform Mozart’s “Vesperae.”
The chamber orchestra is under the direction of Jennifer Cowell, Casper College strings and orchestra instructor, while the choirs are under the direction of Patrick Patton, Casper College voice and choir instructor.
The concert, which is free and open to the public, will take place at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church located on the corners of 7th and Wolcott streets in Casper. A free-will offering will be accepted at the door. Proceeds will go to help defray the costs of music-related events.
FMI: Lisa S. Icenogle, Information Coordinator, Casper College, 800-442-2963, ext. 2372