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What do you get when you have a high energy, observant kid who is always looking for ways to make things but lives in a poor family who can’t afford much? Creative resourcefulness! Artistic adventures! A wonderful childhood of exploration and invention! Throughout my life, from my earliest memories to the present, I have sought out opportunities in which I could express my artistic yearnings. I have pursued pencil drawing, construction paper and scissors, paint-by-number, popsicle sticks and glue, wood whittling, soap sculpting, macramé, pastels, charcoal, mosaic, woodworking, flower gardening, pen and ink, metal sculpture, oil painting, and for the last 13 years, my most satisfying work has been with the lost wax technique of bronze sculpting.
For five years (1988-1993), my close friend and I took private lessons almost every Monday evening with Deborah Wagner-Ashton who lives in Wellington, Colorado. My goal has been to explore the very satisfying and expressive medium of sculpting by creating at least one bronze piece each year. I have done my own chasing of each piece in both the wax and metal stages, which has provided me with an acute appreciation for the challenges involved in creating each unique sculpture.
Look at all my bronzes and you will see angels, soldiers, rabbits, children, jackalopes, oyster shells, apostles and chimpanzees. Although very different at first glance, all portray some aspect of love. Several of my pieces reveal some facet of childhood or the special relationship that can exist with a parent. Through all my bronzes, I am seeking to evoke a special, warm memory from within every viewer that will lead to a bond between the person and the piece.