Uncategorized | March 31, 2008
From a press release:
The University of Northern Colorado is proud to offer Wyoming musicians a FREE master class with Cajun fiddler DOUG KERSHAW on Thursday, April 3 at 7 p.m. The workshop will take place in the LCSD1 Administration Building Auditorium, 2810 House Ave., Cheyenne.
Known to his fans worldwide as “The Ragin’ Cajun,” Kershaw is considered to be the king of fiddlers. Many of his peers have said he is the best musician, performer and singer/songwriter to come out of southwest Louisiana.
Kershaw is holding this masterclass in support of “A Classical Cajun Gumbo,” his April 5 performance in Greeley, Colo., with the UNC Symphony Orchestra. Kershaw will be joined at the workshop by UNC violin professor, Dr. Richard Fuchs.
All regional music students and teachers, community players and working professional musicians are invited. String players from all music fields are welcome: Cajun, Western, folk fiddling, bluegrass, Celtic and classical music, etc. Fiddlers, violinists, guita rists, banjo and mandolin players are especially encouraged to attend. Individuals, small ensembles and bands will be invited to perform as time allows. The session is “unplugged and acoustic;” no amplification will be allowed. The goal of the class is to improve individual performing skills.
Musicians should bring their own instruments and come ready to perform before their peers. Kershaw will work with both classical and non-classical musicians on technique and musicianship. Fuchs will work with classically trained players. All ages and skill levels are welcome.
String players interested in performing during the workshop are asked to contact Elisabet de Vallee, project coordinator, at deva2277@blue.unco.edu. E-mails should include name and contact information as well as details such as musical area(s) of interest, instruments and selection to be performed. Every effort will be made to schedule those who express an interest in performing, but no guarantees will be made. Musicians are encouraged to express their interest early.
The masterclass is a working session, not a public performance. The public is encouraged to attend Kershaw’s concert 8 p.m., Saturday, April 5 at the Union Colony Civic Center, 701 10th Ave., in Greeley, Colo. The performance will be an historic occasion for the veteran performer: it is his “orchestral debut” – the first time he has ever performed a full concert of his original music with a symphony orchestra.
For details about “A Classical Cajun Gumbo,” Doug Kershaw or Cajun music, log on to www.arts.unco.edu/news/gumbo. A fundraiser for the 25th Annual Western States Honors Orchestra Festival, a 3-day workshop for high school string players to be held at the University of Northern Colorado in November, tickets for “A Classical Cajun Gumbo ” are $32, $30 and $25. Student tickets are $15 each. For tickets, call 970-351-2200 or 800-315-ARTS. Concert tickets may be purchased online at www.ucstars.com.
Doug Kershaw’s masterclass in Cheyenne for Wyoming-based musicians is FREE and open to all musicians in the state, regardless of age or skill level. Tickets are not required to attend. For more information, call 771-2105 or write ambroses@laramie1.k12.wy.us.