Uncategorized | December 2, 2009
From a UW press release:
University of Wyoming music ensembles will perform holiday favorites during the annual Gala Holiday concerts Sunday, Dec. 6. The matinee performance is at 3 p.m., and the night performance is at 8, both in the Fine Arts Center concert hall in Laramie.
The Symphony Association holiday dinner will be held between the two performances at 6 p.m. in the Alice Hardie Stevens Center at the Laramie Plains Museum.
Tickets for the concerts cost $10 for the public, $7 for seniors and $6 for students. Dinner tickets are $40, with proceeds going to the Symphony Association scholarship fund. All tickets are available through the Wyoming Union ticket office and the Fine Arts ticket office by calling (307) 766-6666 or visiting www.uwyo.edu/finearts.
“The music will range from light-hearted to sacred, and the concert will end with a sing-along version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas,'” says Michael Griffith, UW director of orchestral activities. “These concerts are always favorites for audiences of all ages.”
Among the UW concert ensembles performing are the Bel Canto Women’s Choir, Civic Chorus, Happy Jacks, Singing Statesmen, Symphony Orchestra, Vocal Jazz Ensemble and the Wind Symphony. Conductors include Robert Belser, James Bowyer, Griffith and Nicole Lamartine. A tuba ensemble will perform in the lobby before the concert.