Featured News | March 21, 2019
Wyoming 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, government agencies and individual artists can still apply to the Wyoming Arts Council for two grant categories that have funds available for projects taking place by June 30, 2019.
The Professional Development/Career Advancement Grant is designed to help grow the capacity of organizations and individuals that work in and support the arts. Examples of how funding can be used include board development, leadership development, conference attendance, professional development training, fundraising development, strategic planning, creation of marketing plans or equipment purchases. Individual artists may also apply for this grant.
The Rural Arts Access Grant provides funding to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, government agencies, churches or tribal governments that are located in or provide services in geographically isolated and rural areas that have a population of less than 3,000. Funding can provide support for such programs as concerts, poetry readings, festivals, or art exhibits.
Both grants can provide funding up to $750, and the deadline to submit an application is six weeks before the project start date, with May 19 being the last possible submission date for the current fiscal year. Organizations that did not receive a fiscal year 2019 Community Support Grant are eligible to receive up to two Arts Council grants in these two grant categories for different programs or events
For full rules and to apply, click on the GRANTS tab at the Wyoming Arts Council website: http://wyomingartscouncil.org. For more information, please contact Karen Merklin at (307) 777-7743 or karen.merklin@wyo.gov.