Wyoming Arts Council

Governor Mead Presents 2017 Arts Awards and Delivers State of the Arts Address

Governor Matt Mead delivered his annual State of the Arts address Friday, Feb. 9th at the 2017 Governor’s Arts Awards in Cheyenne and presented four awards for 2017.

The Governor talked about the importance of the arts to Wyoming, noting they areimportant to quality of life, community well-being, and business recruitment, development, and diversification – to ENDOW.

“The arts are not optional,” said Governor Mead. “They are essential.”

The Governor also noted that Wyoming’s creative sector employs 11,451 workers, putting Wyoming employment in the arts and cultural sector 30 percent above the national average, second only to New York.

“Although many citizens and companies contribute to cultural activities, the benefits of the arts cannot be fully realized without the unique contributions of government,” Governor Mead added. “In Wyoming, the arts receive funding through the Wyoming Arts Council. The Council’s budget comes primarily from State of Wyoming General Funds and National Endowment for the Arts Federal Funds.

“Public funding supports inclusive experiences and community-based activities and ensures that all regions of a state benefit,” said Governor Mead. “I’m proud to say for the eighth year in a row that the state of the arts in Wyoming is strong.”

Established in 1982, the Governor’s Arts Awards winners are selected based on their substantial contributions made in Wyoming that exemplify a long-term commitment to the arts, with special consideration given to nominees whose arts service is statewide.

This year’s recipients are:  ART 321/Casper Artists’ Guild from Casper, Bodylines Dance Theatre Director Leslie O’Hashi of Cheyenne, Professor of music/choral instructor/conductor Dr. Patrick Patton of Casper, and Susan Moldenhauer  – a photographer, community arts builder, and retired Director of the UW Art Museum of Laramie from Laramie.

The Governor recognized their contributions and presented their awards at the Feb. 9th event.

For more information about the Governor’s Arts Awards, contact the Wyoming Arts Council at 307-777-7742 or visit wyoarts.state.wy.us/wac-program/gaa.

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