Wyoming Arts Council

Governor's Capitol Art Exhibition selections

Works by 29 of Wyoming’s best artists have been selected for the seventh annual Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition. Their work will be displayed at the State Museum in Cheyenne June 18-August 31. An opening reception will be held on June 22, 5-7 p.m. Governor Dave Freudenthal will award this year’s purchase awards. The Bobby Hathaway Juror’s Choice and People’s Choice awards will also be presented. The reception is free and open to the public.

Selected artists: Katie Christensen, Ed Clark, Jerry Glass, Ricki Klages, Ginnie Madsen, Jon Madsen, Sara Schleicher, Brad Christensen, Matt Flint, Bill Yankee, Cody Brinton, Mary-Alice Huemoeller, Laurie Thal, Lia Kass, Bart Fetz, Florence Alfano McEwin, Helen Hoff, Rex Hoff, Ken Wright, Mike Allen, Tara Bolgiani, Mike Conway, Victoria Greet, Paul Ng, Jennifer Rife, Craig Satterlee, Joan Sowada, Cat Urbigkit, Markus Urbanik.

FMI: 307-777-7022

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