Wyoming Arts Council

Gregory Hinton discusses preliminary findings of BBHC research fellowship

“Colonel William F. Cody, 1889,” by French painter Rosa Bonheur.
Courtesy of the BBHC.

This news comes from Gregory Hinton and describes the first phase of his research fellowship at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody: 

I would like you to be the first to know the preliminary results of my recent research at the BuffaloBillHistoricalCenter as a 2011-2012 Resident Fellow. The title of my talk was Out West with Buffalo Bill. 

The primary objective of my research was to analyze the art, artifacts and papers of the BBHC for evidence of LGBT history and culture in the American West, particularly as it related to Buffalo Bill’s Wild West. 

For a month, the museum was at my disposal.  I roamed the galleries, interviewed BBHC curators, scholars and educators, and most importantly, was privileged to read The Buffalo Bill Papers in the McCracken Library.  

My primary advisers were Jeremy Johnston, Director of the Buffalo Bill Papers, Mary Robinson, Director of the McCracken Library, John Rumm, Curator of the BuffaloBillMuseum and Emma Hansen, Curator of the Plains Indian Museum. World renowned Buffalo Bill scholar Paul Fees also offered me key guidance. 

On December 16, I gave an informal talk on my preliminary findings at the monthly “Wellness of Mind” BBHC lunch meeting. The entire staff of the museum attended. The audience included Senator and Mrs. Alan Simpson and BBHC President Bruce Eldredge and his wife Jan. The talk was, I believe, historical, educational, humorous and emotional.

To read an excerpt of Hinton’s BBHC presentation, go to Out West with Buffalo Bill.

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