Uncategorized | December 9, 2008
Wyomingarts has fielded a number of calls from performers about guidelines for the 2009 Wyoming Arts Council performing arts fellowships. Inquiring minds want to know whether the inclusion of a DVD is a non-negotiable aspect of the application or whether it is more like a suggestion.
Good question. We stipulate that all applicants send in both an audio CD and a DVD of a performance. The rationale behind that? Most musicians have either a demo or a commercial CD. This gives the judging panel the best possible sampling of the performer’s style and ability.
However, since this fellowship is in the category of musical performance, the judges also need to see the artist in action. The WAC would love it if all applicants sent in a professional quality DVD of a recent concert. We do know that this can be cost prohibitive. We also know that many of you might have VHS tapes of a performance from a few years ago done with the family’s videocam. Some of you don’t even have that, but have offered to talk your spouse into filming you with the family’s mini-digi-cam in the living room.
Here’s the bottom line: we want some recorded evidence of you performing. It can be in the following forms: DVD, VHS, or a digital file e-mailed to the WAC at mshay@state.wy.us.
You don’t have much time to decide, as the postmark deadline is Dec. 12 (this Friday). Call Mike Shay at 307-777-5234 if you have questions. He received a call yesterday from a pianist who had decided not to apply because she didn’t have a performance DVD. She does have a friend with a digital movie camera who can film her at the piano. Mike said: “Go for it.” And she did.
Call now. Operators are standing by.