Uncategorized | October 5, 2007
Between Fences weaves the history of fences into the development of the United States and the West as we know it today. From colonial stockades to the range wars to today’s gated communities, the exhibition explores the many ways that fence building has transformed our nation. Visitors will walk through and around actual fences as they explore the nature of space and boundaries.
The Wyoming Humanities Council offers statewide programming on the fences theme, including “Border Lines: A Film Discussion Series;” “Reading Wyoming: Living Between Fences;” and special “Humanities Forum” speakers. The council sponsored an anthology, Wyoming Fence Lines, featuring the prose and poetry of 57 writers from Wyoming and beyond. It also is sponsoring the year-long tour of a new Smithsonian Museum on Main Street exhibition, “Between Fences.” Visit “Between Fences” in one of these five Wyoming communities:
Pinedale, Sublette Co. Library, Sept. 22-Nov.10, 2007, schedule of events
Evanston, Uinta Co. Museum, Nov. 17, 2007-Jan. 12, 2008, schedule of events
Sheridan, Sheridan Co. Library, Jan. 19-March 15, 2008
Meeteetse, Meeteetse Museum District, March 22-May 10, 2008
Sundance, Crook Co. Museum and Library, May 17-July 7, 2008
Visit Museum on Main Street for more information on Between Fences.
Visit Between Fences on MySpace at www.myspace.com/BetweenFences.