Uncategorized | December 9, 2008
Karla Toomer, Cokeville’s most dedicated arts supporter and blogger, offers the town’s residents some helpful hints on holiday gifts:
Do you need an idea for the perfect Christmas gift for someone in Cokeville? Here are three suggestions:
1. Witness to Miracles, book. Cost $25 softcover/$35 hardcover. They are available immediately. Contact Karla Toomer @3471.
2. Donate to Cokeville Miracle Foundation in your name or in the name of someone you love. This is our community non-profit foundation and at this time of year they are holding their annual “Christmas Outreach.” The foundation executive board has been taking recommendations and will soon meet to decide what they can do to help families or individuals in need. FMI: Karla @ 3471 or Bill H., Chemene P., or Susan F.
3. Purchase an Alicia Blevins art work from the “Cokeville, Wyoming Series.” Check out her website at http://aliciablevins.com/wst_page7.html
Read more at Karla’s Cokeville blog at cokeville.blogspot.com.