Lander Photo Group exhibit up through Feb. 11 at CWC Peck Arts Center Gallery
Uncategorized | December 30, 2011
“Succulent” by Ken Kidder |
Members of the Lander Photo Group are exhibiting selected works in the Robert A. Peck Arts Center Gallery at CentralWyomingCollege in Riverton through Feb. 11.
Photographs are by Mary Allen, Neelon Crawford, Brad Christensen, Tony Henry, Ken Kidder, Aaron Schuster, David Schuster and Sara Wiles and include documentary, landscapes, portraits, architectural and abstract forms. The photographers use color and black-and-white film and digital formats, experimenting with a variety of techniques.
The Lander Photo Group began meeting informally in 2005 and eventually attracted more photographers, including commercial and fine art photographers who work both full and part-time at their art.
Some have traveled extensively while others have mostly stayed home taking images in their own backyards. As a group, the artists share ideas, technical knowledge, and personal “decisive moments.”
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