Wyoming Arts Council

Little Hands offers art, music and dance classes for little kids and their parents

Little Hands, A Family Program for Creative Inspiration, invites you to join its program:

Who: Children (ages 1 to 6) and their parents or caregivers

What: Exploration and expression through art – from visual art to dance and music – for small children and their parent(s) or caregiver(s).

When: Tuesday mornings, 10-noon, starting February 2, 2010

Where: First Baptist Church, 514 S. Beech – 5th & Beech, 1 block south of the Nic. (We have no religious affiliation but the church has generously donated space.)

Cost: FREE! But to first session, families should bring:
1) a bag of recycled “beautiful stuff” chosen by child and parent
2) a commitment to volunteer time with us, whatever your skills

How: Families can sign up for one or more 6-week sessions this spring, with the above commitment. See sign-up sheet on back.

For more information, please contact Kelleen Gilstad (265-5497) or Kate Schneider (247-0726) or email us at LittleHandsWY@gmail.com

This program supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Arts Council. Support also comes from Mercer House and the First Baptist Church of Casper.

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