Wyoming Arts Council

New work by Matt Flint

Matt Flint, Listening I, 14″ x 11″

Lander’s Matt Flint, winner of a 2008 Wyoming Arts Council visual arts fellowship, has finished some new work. Here’s how he describes it on his blog at mattflintart.blogspot.com:

I had some collage/mono prints laying around in the studio that I really liked, but thought they could use something more. I worked back into each of the prints and added the birds. There is something quite nice and fragile about them. I really enjoy the contrast between the subtle value of the black ink and color/texture of the oil paint.

All of the works are 14″x11″ on Rives BFK paper. The titles are Listening I, II and IV (don’t ask what happened to III). The work is available through Stewart Gallery.

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