Uncategorized | June 24, 2010
From the Montana Arts Council blog (thanks MAC):
The Gene D. Cohen Award, sponsored by the National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA), recognizes and honors the seminal work of Dr. Gene Cohen, whose research in the field of creativity and aging has shifted the conceptual focus from a problem paradigm to one of promise and potential. Dr. Cohen has inspired us to approach longevity asking what wonders can be achieved, not in spite of age, but because of age. The award is presented annually to a professional whose research in the field of creativity and aging demonstrates these positive attributes.
Deadline for Nomination
Monday, August 2, 2010
• A formal nomination letter
• A brief statement (maximum 500 words) detailing how the nominee meets the
criteria of the award
• Research Abstract
• Peer review articles or other related documents
• Up to 2 letters of support
In order to nominate someone for the Gene D. Cohen Award in Creativity and Aging, please send your nomination packet to awards@geron.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with the subject of “Gene D. Cohen Award Nomination – NOMINEE NAME HERE.” Please remember to substitute your nominee’s name in the subject.
Visit the GSA Website at: http://www.geron.org/ or the NCCA Website at: http://creativeaging.squarespace.com/gene_cohen_award or contact info@creativeaging.org for more information.