Uncategorized | April 22, 2009
Wyomingarts has been assisting Pat Frolander of Sundance through the sometimes labyrinthine pathways of the WAC’s Cybergrants system. Pat volunteered to write grants for this summer’s Wyoming Writers, Inc., conference in Casper. As I guided her through the grants process, Pat never once mentioned that she has a chapbook coming out in July. So, as a public service (and with info from the WWInc. listserv), here’s the news about Pat’s book:
Pat Frolander has a chapbook, Grassland Genealogy, in the publication pipeline with Finishing Line Press, with a due date of July 31, 2009. The chapbook cover above can be seen , and an advance order placed, at http://www.finishinglinepress.com/NewReleasesandForthcomingTitles.htm