Featured News | November 18, 2015
“Motocross Jump,” photo by Dan Hayward.
This announcement comes from Laramie photographer and WAC roster artist Dan Hayward:
You are invited to attend my presentation of “Inspired By Beauty,” a 90-Minute Multi-Media Talk that begins at 10:30 Saturday morning, November 21 at the Laramie County Main Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave. in Cheyenne Wyoming.
This event is FREE and Open to the PUBLIC!
The presentation is Sponsored by the Southern Wyoming Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and the Laramie County Main Library and is part of RSVP’s 17th Annual Artfest which includes an all-mediums art show at the Library. I’m judging the show’s photography and there is a Public Reception and Awards Presentations at 3:30 that same afternoon.
The “Inspired By Beauty” Presentation glides through images from my 41-year Photography Career, beginning with my college years. The main purpose for the Presentation is to share what inspires me in my Photography.
To that end, the talk explores what has inspired me to travel to specific locations or to create specific still lifes to Photograph, what attracted me to specific Scenes that I’ve happened upon and Documented and what inspires me to photograph in the ways, fashions, and styles that I’ve used in the past and use today.
Additionally, I’ll explain specific techniques used in creating some of the Images.
Go to my FB Page at https://www.facebook.com/
events/1521692038148959/ permalink/1521692044815625/ to see the Event Announcement there. Also, please go to my Hayward Photography FB page at https://www.facebook.com/
haywardphoto/ and LIKE the Page itself to help me reach the current goal of 100 Likes for the page. Thanks so much!
P. S. If you have an interest in having me provide a multi-media presentation at an event, or as an event on its own, in your community, please contact me and we’ll put something together. I have several full presentations together on various photo-related topics that can be tailored to a variety of time frames, from 30 to 120 minutes.