Uncategorized | June 11, 2010
Planet Jackson Hole Weekly’s online edition carried an article Wednesday by Matthew Irwin, “Arts huge in JH, arts council says.”
It focuses at the Wyoming Arts Council town meeting held on Monday, June 7, at the Teton County Public LIbrary in Jackson.
Here are the opening paragraphs:
Jackson Hole, Wyo. – Jackson may be one of the top arts towns in the U.S., according to Wyoming Arts Council board chair Bruce Richardson. Though the news may mean more funding will be available for local arts organizations, it likely will not result in additional grants for individual artists, Richardson said.
Perhaps earlier than WAC staff would have liked, Richardson mentioned recent reports on the arts that signal Jackson’s prominence in a town meeting Monday with local artists and arts organizations. “We haven’t vetted the whole thing,” Richardson said in a phone interview Tuesday. “We’re not sure exactly what we’ve got, but there are a couple of pieces of evidence that Jackson is one of the leading arts towns in the U.S.”
Read the rest at http://www.planetjh.com/news/A_106220.aspx