Wyoming Arts Council

Public invited to attend Wyoming Arts Council Board events August 9-10 in Kemmerer

The Wyoming Arts Council Board will meet Aug. 9-10 in the Helio Batis Room of the South Lincoln Training and Event Center (SLTEC) in Kemmerer. The meeting will be held Thursday from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until business is concluded. 

Agenda items include: WAC’s Long Range Plan, the new communications strategy, the Community Arts Partner grant application, a proposal for new Folk & Traditional Arts fellowships, WAC’s grant programs, upcoming WAC-sponsored events, and appointment of WAC Board committees for FY2012/2013. The board invites individuals and organizational representatives to attend the meeting, and a public comment session will be held at 4 p.m. on Thursday. For a detailed agenda, contact the Wyoming Arts Council office at 307-777-7742
Please join us for a public reception sponsored by the Frontier Arts Council on Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the South Lincoln Training and Event Center. 
The mission of the Wyoming Arts Council is to provide leadership and invest resources to sustain, promote and cultivate excellence in the arts. 
Board members are:  Karen Stewart, Board Chair from Jackson; Duane Evenson, Gilltette;  Janelle Fletcher-Kilmer, Laramie;  Neil Hansen, Powell;  Bruce Richardson, Casper;  Chessney Sevier, Buffalo;  Leslie Shinaver, Afton;  Erin Taylor, Cheyenne;  Tara Taylor, Mountain View; and Holly Turner, Casper. 
For more information, contact Rita Basom, WAC, 307-777-7473 or rita.basom@wyo.gov.

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