Featured News | March 26, 2015
The Owl & The Serpent from Darryl Thomas on Vimeo.
The Rainbow Dance Theatre brings iLumiDance to Lander schools on April 22. This event is sponsored by Promoting the Arts in Lander Schools (PALS).
iLlumiDance features sets, costumes, props and puppets all made with electro-luminescent light-wire that are controlled remotely throughout the performance. A computer on the side of the stage, synched to a music score featuring classical, tango and modern music motifs, “talks” to the costumes, sets and props so that the EL wire along with the dancers “dances” to the music score. The audience is transported into a world of wonder and surprises where humans morph into animals before their very eyes, flowers grow to amazing proportions and defy gravity with a balletic “Waltz of the Flowers” variation, serpents and owls disembody and reassemble or fall and recover “matrix” style in the blink of an eye.
School shows offer a behind-the-scenes view of how dance and technology are combined to create this contemporary dance allegory. The school show also features a historical perspective on RDT’s growth in the use of EL wire technology from manually (dancer) operated costumes to fully automated (computer programmed) costumes, props and scenic elements. Both informative and experiential, the kids will interact with EL wire props and costumes as they learn how to create their “own” iLumiDance.
FMI: PALS or Rainbow Dance Company Website.