Uncategorized | March 28, 2008
Wyoming Arts Council Grants Manager Karen Merklin posts a reminder that the postmark deadline for applications for the 2008-2009 WAC Artists Roster in Monday, March 31. So, if you’re planning on applying, you have four days remaining on the calendar.
She also reminds all roster artists who wish to remain on the 2008-2009 WAC Artist Roster to mail their signed renewal form no later than Monday, March 31. Artists wishing to make changes and/or updates to their bios or photos need to e-mail those changes to Karen by the 3/31/08 deadline.
We will assume that artists who do not return the renewal form are no longer interested in being on next year’s roster.
Mail applications and renewals/updates to:
Karen Merklin, Grants Manager
Wyoming Arts Council
2320 Capitol Avenue,
Cheyenne, WY 82002
FMI: 307-777-7743 (voice), 777-5499 (fax) or e-mail kmerkl1@state.wy.us