Featured News | February 27, 2013
Do you have a masterpiece tucked away in a drawer? Is a brand new story or poem playing around in that grey matter between your ears?
Enter your work in the 2013 Wyoming Writers, Inc., writing contest. But hurry — the postmark deadline for entries is March 15.
In addition to children’s, adult short stories, nonfiction, traditional poetry, and free verse, this contest features our new “Short and Sweet,” a “combo” category set to challenge your writing skills. Tell us a story in flash fiction (500 words or fewer—genre is your choice, but keep it clean!), or entice our judges with limericks (rhymed quintets—again, keep them clean!), the length and style fits well into our way-too-busy life!
Entry fees vary, depending upon categories chosen and whether or not the author is a member of Wyoming Writers, Inc., but everyone is welcome to join the fun. Again, submissions must be postmarked no later than March 15 and mailed with appropriate entry fees (make checks to Wyoming Writers, Inc., note “contest entry fee”) to: A. M. Hummel, 89 Strawberry Hill Road, Hulett, WY 82720
For more information on the 2013 Wyoming Writers, Inc. writing contest, check the website at http://www.wyowriters.org for a more concise set of rules and guidelines or contact Andi Hummel at hummela@dishmail.net.