Featured News | August 21, 2019
Any Wyoming citizen, organization, business or community may be nominated for a Governor’s Art Award. Noted accomplishments should reflect substantial contributions that exemplify a long-term commitment to the arts in Wyoming. Special consideration will be given to nominees whose arts service is statewide.
Previous GAA recipients are not eligible for nomination, but the nomination of previously unselected nominees is encouraged. Current Wyoming Arts Council board members, staff members, contractors and members of their families are not eligible for nomination. Digital PDF nominations are required and must be emailed no later than October 9, 2019 to Brittany Perez at brittany.perez@wyo.gov. Accompanying work samples that can’t be scanned and emailed can be mailed to: 2301 Central Ave. Barrett Building, 2ndFl. Cheyenne, WY 82002.
Established in 1982, the Governor’s Arts Awards recognize excellence in the arts and outstanding service to the arts in Wyoming. These awards were first made possible by an endowment from the Union Pacific Foundation in honor of Mrs. John U. Loomis, a lifelong patron of the arts. Over the years, individuals and organizations from more than 21 Wyoming communities and statewide organizations have been honored for their dedication to the arts in Wyoming.
Find a complete list of past GAA recipients here. For more information, contact 307-214-2701 or brittany.perez@wyo.gov.