Featured News | January 13, 2021
The Wyoming Arts Council is now accepting applications from Wyoming based artists to participate in a virtual training on best practices in Creative Aging. Wyoming has a growing community of elder adults. One effective way to address adverse health effects associated with aging is with intentional arts engagement. This field is referred to as Creative Aging. Through a partnership between the Wyoming Arts Council, the Wyoming State Library, and Lifetime Arts, training will be provided to teaching artists and librarians throughout the state where they will learn innovative direct arts programming for older adults.
The training will be provided by Lifetime Arts, a national arts service organization that offers a positive, modern, artistic and social lens through which to serve, inspire and engage America’s growing population of older adults. Teaching artists who complete this training will have the possibility of being hired by county libraries around the state, who are undergoing similar training, to lead creative aging programs in their libraries.
This training for teaching artists will be held virtually March 8 – 10. The application and full eligibility requirements can be accessed at wyomingartscouncil.org, or directly at this link. The deadline for applications is Feb. 10.
The training is free for teaching artists, paid for in part by a grant from the Wyoming Community Foundation. The selection process is competitive. Only 50 artists from around the state will be selected to participate. Artists who are selected to participate in the training will receive a $50 honorarium to compensate them, in part, for their time.
Additionally, the Wyoming Arts Council will co-host, with Lifetime Arts, an informational webinar about what this training will involve on Feb. 3. All artists interested in participating in the training are encouraged to attend this webinar. Registration for the webinar is available at lifetimearts.org, or directly at this link.
For more information or to learn how to get involved, please contact Josh Chrysler at the Wyoming Arts Council at joshua.chrysler@wyo.gov or 307-256-2010.