Uncategorized | November 21, 2024
The Wyoming Arts Council board will hold a special virtual meeting on December 5, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. for approximately 30 minutes to discuss an upcoming board vacancy. An executive session may be called if necessary.
The board invites individuals and organizational representatives to attend any part of the meeting to observe the board process. The board will be available to hear public comment at 11:40 a.m. Users may join the meeting virtually on Google Meet here: meet.google.com/mer-ndru-vqp, or by calling in using this number (US) +1 216-930-0875 PIN: 591 369 848#. All callers will be put in silent mode except during public comment.
The mission of the Wyoming Arts Council is to provide leadership and invest resources to champion, sustain, and cultivate community through the arts.
For a detailed agenda and more information, please contact the Wyoming Arts Council office at 307-777-7742