Featured News | January 21, 2025
The Wyoming Arts Council is pleased to announce tickets are available for purchase to attend the 42nd Annual Governor’s Arts Awards dinner and awards ceremony at Little America Hotel and Resort in Cheyenne, on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 6 p.m.
Reservations for the event are $75 per person and can be obtained by visiting https://governorsartsawards.rsvpify.com. The deadline to RSVP is Wednesday, February 5, 2024.
A hotel room block has been set up at Little America and can be booked at this link. The reservation block also expires on Wednesday, February 5.
This year’s honorees include Mike Kopriva (Powell), Jane Lavino (Jackson), T. Allen Lawson (Sheridan), Sue and Albert Sommers (Pinedale), and the late Willie LeClair (Riverton), all recognized for their remarkable contributions to the arts, education, and cultural heritage in Wyoming.
The Governor’s Arts Awards were first made possible by an endowment from the Union Pacific Foundation in honor of Mrs. John U. Loomis, a life-long patron of the arts. Over the years, individuals and organizations from more than 40 Wyoming communities and statewide organizations have been honored for their dedication to the arts in Wyoming.
Learn more about the Governor’s Arts Awards here: https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/wac-program/gaa/
For additional information, contact Mandy Connelley with the Wyoming Arts Council at mandy.connelley@wyo.gov or 307-214-2701.