Wyoming Arts Council

Entries sought for book awards

The High Plains Book Awards committee, in affiliation with the Parmly Billings Library, announces it is accepting nominations for Best Book Award and Best First Book Award to be presented
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African Drums in Laramie

The University of Wyoming will host a free concert of traditional African drum and highlife dance at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 27, in the College of Education auditorium. The concert,
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Pop and Opera, together at last!

Wyoming’s Karen Clift, clasically-trained soprano, and Spencer Bohren, folk singer, will perform together at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 21, at the WYO Theater, 42 N. Main in Sheridan. A reception
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Check out High Plains Register

A public reading will be held in the LCCC playhouse today, April 20, at noon, in honor of the publication of High Plains Register, Laramie County Community College’s literary and
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Thoroughly Modern Millie at WWCC

Western Wyoming Community College’s Theater and Dance Department in Rock Springs will present the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie, April 20-21, and April 26-28 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $9 for
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Journey with Julianne Couch

Julianne Couch expects the publication of her book, “Jukeboxes and Jackalopes: A Wyoming Bar Journey,” from Greybull’s Pronghorn Press in June. Along with photographer Ronald Hansen, Julianne visited close to
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Owen Wister Review release party

“Hot Off the Press 2007” will feature writers and artists who contributed to the 2007 issue of the University of Wyoming’s literary and arts publication, “Owen Wister Review,” which comes
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UW series features Garnett talk

Rodney Garnett, professor in the University of Wyoming Department of Music, will present “World Musical Communities” as the featured speaker for the 2007 President’s Speaker Series. Garnett’s free public presentation
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WyoPoets releases new chapbook

The release of the seventh WyoPoets’ chapbook, “Wyoming Paintbrush,” featuring 34 poems by 18 WyoPoets’ members, edited by Constance Brewer, will take place at the WyoPoets Workshop on April 28
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WyoPoets workshop in Casper

WyoPoets workshop “When Words Have Wings,” a celebration of poetry featuring Joan Puma Bennet’s workshop, “Living to Write,” will be held Saturday, April 28, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, in
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