Why the Arts Matter
Without a doubt, the arts help people, communities and Wyoming thrive. Study after study proves the positive effect of the arts. From economic development in communities to cognitive development in kids, the arts play a key role. Here are just a few ways that the arts impact each and every one of us.
The Arts Help the U.S. Economy
- The Arts contributed $763.6 billion to the U.S. economy in 2015, 4.2 percent of GDP and counted 4.9 million workers, who earned $372 billion in total compensation.
- According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, in 2014, there were 11,451 jobs devoted to our state’s creative sector, which is 30% above the national average and second only to New York.
- The Creative and Cultural Industries contribute an estimated 4.7% of the state’s overall economy.
- The arts produce sales of $115,652,913 and estimates from the Wyoming Business Council of local and state tax revenues between $17-23 million. For every dollar in additional sales in the creative and cultural sector, an additional 44 cents are generated in the economy from other businesses. Source.
The Arts Help People Thrive
- Research confirms a positive relationship between arts learning and overall academic achievement in youth, including gains in intelligence (IQ), grades, and performance on standardized tests. Source.
- Seniors involved in the arts have better health, need fewer doctors visits and lower rates of prescription medicine usage. Source.
The Arts Help Communities Thrive
- The arts help to address some of the unique economic challenges faced by rural communities, including geographic isolation, infrastructure limitations and population flight. The arts help to diversify rural economies by creating sustainable small businesses, improving quality of life for residents, and attracting visitors and investment. Source: National Governors Association
- The arts enhance property values and make neighborhoods attractive places to live, work and play. The arts help to revitalize blighted areas and strengthen both commercial and residential housing markets. Source: Social Impact of the Arts Project / The Reinvestment Fund.
The Arts Help Wyoming Thrive
- Nationally, the nonprofit arts and culture industry generates $166.2 billion in economic activity every year—$63.1 billion in spending by organizations and an additional $103.1 billion in event-related spending by their audiences, $7.9 billion in local government tax revenues , $9.1 billion in state government tax revenues and $12.6 billion in federal income tax revenues. Source.
- Cultural tourism is a huge market, comprised of some 118 million cultural travelers—people who include arts and heritage in their trips each year. Cultural tourists stay longer and spend 36% more at their destinations than other kinds of travelers. Source: Mandala Research, Travel Industry Association of America, CVI