Wyoming Arts Council

Strategic Plan

Every five years, the Wyoming Arts Council completes a new strategic plan in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts. A summary of the recently developed strategic plan for 2022-2027 is available here.

Equity Framework Packet

Through the strategic planning process, a series of tools were developed for the Arts Council to help guide equitable decision and policy making. This framework is available here as a resource for other organizations, and can be adapted and used in part or as whole.

This packet of information was developed for the Wyoming Arts Council by consultant Aura Sunada Newlin, in 2022, as part of the Arts Council’s new five-year strategic plan. Source materials and additional resources are cited at the bottom of each page. These tools are meant to serve as a guide for other organizations and can be adapted and used as a whole or in part.

With a primary focus on empowering artists and fostering vibrant communities, the Arts Council’s strategic plan emphasizes equitable investments, community connections, and the sustainable growth of the arts in Wyoming. Taken as a whole, the tools included in this packet are an equity framework to assist the Arts Council in ongoing evaluation, planning, and decision-making.

Mission Statement

The Wyoming Arts Council provides leadership and invests resources to champion, sustain, and cultivate community through the arts.

Vision Statement

The Wyoming Arts Council envisions a Wyoming where the arts are a driving force in the social, economic, educational, and everyday life of its citizens.
