Wyoming Arts Council

NEA releases research on artist unemployment

From the National Endowment for the Arts: Washington, D.C. – Unemployment rates are up among working artists and the artist workforce has contracted, according to new research from the National
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The art (and politics) of undergarments

From a Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources press release: Melanie O’Hara will explore the social and political implications of 19th century women’s clothing during a Wyoming State Museum program
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New roster artist Dave Shaul

Dave Shaul is a Wyoming native who studied pedal harp with Suzanne McDonald. Over the years his range has expanded to include cross-strung, Celtic, Latin, and Asian harps. He has
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"Take your snuggie out" for a night on the town

Chicagoans David Barnes and Dan Kuthy are taking the snuggie–the blanket with arms–away from the couch and onto the streets. They have organized a “Snuggie Pub Crawl,” for April 18.
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"Take your snuggie out" for a night on the town

Chicagoans David Barnes and Dan Kuthy are taking the snuggie–the blanket with arms–away from the couch and onto the streets. They have organized a “Snuggie Pub Crawl,” for April 18.
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Local Jewish artists, "HeeB 100" photographs, at Lyndsay McCandless Gallery

Planet Jackson Hole reports that the opening party for “The HeeB 100” photo exhibit, along with an art show by local Jewish artists, will be held at 7 p.m. on
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Local Jewish artists, "HeeB 100" photographs, at Lyndsay McCandless Gallery

Planet Jackson Hole reports that the opening party for “The HeeB 100” photo exhibit, along with an art show by local Jewish artists, will be held at 7 p.m. on
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Look who’s reading "Deep West"

During the 2009 Legislative Session, many Wyoming legislators took time out from the House and Senate floors to have READ posters created of themselves. These posters will be displayed at
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Look who's reading "Deep West"

During the 2009 Legislative Session, many Wyoming legislators took time out from the House and Senate floors to have READ posters created of themselves. These posters will be displayed at
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Presenters needed for 2009 WLA meeting

Barbara Osborne is looking for writers who might be willing to conduct a presentation and/or panel discussion at the 2009 meeting of the Wyoming Library Association Sept. 30-Oct.2 in Laramie.
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