Wyoming Arts Council

Jalan Crossland performs solo in Hartville

Jalan Crossland will be playing solo performances at the Miner’s and Stockman’s Bar, 608 W. Main St. in Hartville on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19-20. Hartville is dangerously close to
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Reception tonight for "Our Home Town"

Reception will be held tonight (Friday, Feb. 19) from 6-8 p.m. at the AVA Center in Gillette for the exhibition “Our Home Town.” Free and open to the public. FMI:
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Reception tonight for "Our Home Town"

Reception will be held tonight (Friday, Feb. 19) from 6-8 p.m. at the AVA Center in Gillette for the exhibition “Our Home Town.” Free and open to the public. FMI:
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Outside Mag: "Biting characters" drive Mark Spragg’s new book, "Bone Fire"

Cody’s Mark Spragg was awarded creative writing fellowships from the Wyoming Arts Council in 1989 and 2000. He was the recipient of a Neltje Blanchan Memorial Writing Award in 1999.
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Outside Mag: "Biting characters" drive Mark Spragg's new book, "Bone Fire"

Cody’s Mark Spragg was awarded creative writing fellowships from the Wyoming Arts Council in 1989 and 2000. He was the recipient of a Neltje Blanchan Memorial Writing Award in 1999.
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2010 Visual arts fellowship applications available on WAC web site

The printable application and guidelines for the 2010 visual arts fellowships is available on the Wyoming Arts Council web site. Go to http://www.wyomingartscouncil.org.Applications will be mailed on Tuesday, Feb. 23,
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Poetry Out Loud state competition March 1-2

Getting ready for Poetry Out Loud, I’ve asked people if they could recommend any poetry books to give to our student contestants. A big thank you to Nancy Curtis of
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Alyson Hagy passed on to me Vol. 1, Issue 2 of The Jackson Hole Review, which she brought back with her after a visit there in February with Philip Gourevitch
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Banff Mtn. Film Festival at UW Feb. 24-25

The Banff Mountain Film Festival world tour brings the spirit of outdoor adventure to the University of Wyoming Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 24-25, at 7 p.m. in the Arts and
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Call for entries: WAC visual arts fellowships

The Wyoming Arts Council invites you to apply for its 2010 Visual Arts Fellowships. Jurors are Ohio sculptor Kate Budd, Maryland mixed-media artist Sue Johnson and Arizona photographer Mark Klett.
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