Wyoming Arts Council

"House" concert in Casper

Not your typical staging for a house concert, the idea of which seems to have really taken off in Casper, in part thanks to Amy Gieske, a brand new venue –Three Crowns
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Cartoonish World War I flying ace lands at Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne

Author Diana Kouris earns laurels for her High Plains Press book

This comes from Nancy Curtis at High Plains Press in Glendo: Diana Kouris (left), author of Riding the Edge of an Era, has been doing High Plains Press proud. She was
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Former Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environment & Scientific Affairs and third-generation Wyoming rancher John F. Turner will receive the National Museum of Wildlife Art ‘s  prestigious Rungius
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AVA keeps the kids busy with art classes on early release days

Spirit of Coyote tells tale of Ernestine Shuswap

From a University of Wyoming press release: The University of Wyoming Department of Theatre and Dance continues its 2010-2011 production season with “Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout.” Tomson Highway’s sly
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Amnesty International Film Festival at UW Oct. 23

The Amnesty International Film Festival, featuring short and full-length film on issues of human rights worldwide, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 23, in Laramie. Many films are award winners.
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Letters about Literature writing contest

First and foremost, LAL is a writing contest for young readers in grades 4 – 12. How has an author’s work–novel, nonfiction, poetry–changed your view of the world or yourself?
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Join today’s conversation with The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities

Today’s Tuesday Talk from the White House features The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities. On the White House blog, Kori Schulman has the following info: Join us for two talks
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Join today's conversation with The President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities

Today’s Tuesday Talk from the White House features The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities. On the White House blog, Kori Schulman has the following info: Join us for two talks
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