Wyoming Arts Council

“Beauty is Embarrassing” screening set for Oct. 27 in Laramie

From a UW press release: To prepare for artist Wayne White’s visit to the University of Wyoming in November, a free screening of the documentary “Beauty is Embarrassing” is Tuesday,
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"Beauty is Embarrassing" screening set for Oct. 27 in Laramie

From a UW press release: To prepare for artist Wayne White’s visit to the University of Wyoming in November, a free screening of the documentary “Beauty is Embarrassing” is Tuesday,
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Sage Spirit Zimmerman Lecture at Casper College on Oct. 22

From a Casper College press release: On October 22, conservation photographer and author Dave Showalter will present “Sage Spirit, The American West at a Crossroads” as a Zimmerman Lecture at
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National Junior Duck Stamp artist to give Nov. 7 workshop in Jackson

Good news for the performing arts in Casper

From an article by Brendan Meyer in Wednesday’s Casper Star-Tribune: The new owners of a former downtown movie theater shared their vision Tuesday for a civic auditorium, which would seat
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UW College of Arts and Sciences’ Honors Convocation features keynote Mark Jenkins

Writer and adventurist Mark Jenkins will be the keynote speaker at the University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences’ annual Keith and Thyra Thomson Honors Convocation Friday, Oct. 16,
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Natalia Wrobel’s “Portals to Kairos” exhibit opens Oct. 19 at LCCC

LCCC’s ED and Caren Murray Art Series presents: On Monday, Oct. 19, 7 p.m. – Artist Lecture with Natalia Wróbel, Science Center Room 121. At 8 p.m. – Gallery Show and
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Natalia Wrobel's "Portals to Kairos" exhibit opens Oct. 19 at LCCC

LCCC’s ED and Caren Murray Art Series presents: On Monday, Oct. 19, 7 p.m. – Artist Lecture with Natalia Wróbel, Science Center Room 121. At 8 p.m. – Gallery Show and
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White House hosts “American Creativity” event Oct. 14

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, President and Mrs. Obama will host a PBS music special,
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White House hosts "American Creativity" event Oct. 14

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, President and Mrs. Obama will host a PBS music special,
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