Wyoming Arts Council


Corinna German writes non-fiction and poetry with the beautiful Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness over her shoulder. She was born in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains and lived over a decade in Wyoming, which is the inspiration for most of her writing. At home in the outdoors, she is a life-long hunter and adventurer. Her work has appeared in Blood, Water, Wind, and Stone: An Anthology of Wyoming Writers (Sastrugi Press), Manifest West: Women of the West (Western Press Books), Spectral Lines: Poems about Scientists (Alternating Current Press), NatureWriting Magazine, Haiku Journal, A Quiet Courage: Journal of Micro-fiction and Poetry, High Plains Register, True Chili, Frontier Tales, The Gambler, and Oakwood. When she’s not dodging grizzlies or stalking elk, you can find her in Laurel, Montana with her husband and four boys.
