Wyoming Arts Council


Contact: Katherine Standefer

Poets, Spoken Word, Storytelling & Writers

Phone | 847-544-8946

Web | http://www.KatherineStandefer.com

Email | kestandefer@gmail.com


Katherine E. Standefer's debut book LIGHTNING FLOWERS is forthcoming from Little, Brown Spark and was shortlisted for the 2018 J. Anthony Lukas Work-in-Progress Prize. Her writing was featured in The Best American Essays 2016, won the 2015 Iowa Review Award in Nonfiction, and recently appeared in the Virginia Quarterly Review, New England Review, The Normal School, Crazyhorse, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA at the University of Arizona and was a Fall 2018 Logan Nonfiction Fellow at the Carey Institute for Global Good. She is a Creative Nonfiction professor at Ashland University's Low-Residency MFA Program. As an entrepreneur, she teaches electric, intimate workshops that help people tell stories about illness, sexuality, and trauma. She prefers cowboy boots.
