Wyoming Arts Council

Theatre of the Poor

Contact: William Conte

Casper, WY

Theatres/Performance Venues

Phone | (307) 333-4478

Web | https://www.theatreofthepoor.org

Email | theatreofthepoor@gmail.com


Since its founding in 2016, the Theatre of the Poor has presented free performances of the classics and other works in found spaces throughout Casper. These productions have been offered free to the public in exchange for donations solicited after the show. Some recent examples include an original adaptation of Oedipus Tyrannos in an alley with the towering “Staircase to Heaven” as our primary set; in August 2019 we presented a gender-bending production of The Bacchae in the alley behind Metro Coffee; and in 2017, in the lot behind the Stage III Community Theatre, we staged a production of Prometheus in which his theft of fire from the sun coincided with the moment of the total solar eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 (see www.theatreofthepoor.org for more on past productions, and for information about our current season).

Under the artistic direction of Dr. William Conte, the Theatre of the Poor is dedicated to the cultivation of the next generation of theatre artist through its Apprenticeship Program. Dr. Conte is passionate about providing young theatre artists with the opportunity to find their voice, expand their skill set, explore a different approach to theatre and production, and consider an alternative model of theatre training. We are passionate also about bringing the theatre directly to the audience in new and unexpected ways, challenging everyone’s preconceptions of what theatre is or should be.

In October 2020 we rented and began renovations on a studio theatre space at 140 E. Midwest Street. It opened on January 30, 2021, and since then we have presented workshops, open mics, and performances. We are excited about the possibilities of this venue and location, as for a while we have needed a “headquarters” in order to grow and further our work.
