Wyoming Arts Council


Hello! I'm Ruthie, also known as Ruthie's Magical Camera. I make enchanting portraits made of wonder and daydreams! My photography is a representation of my imagination and personal fantasy. Life should be bold and colorful, which is why I use color at the core of my work. We have too little time on earth to live with subtlety and monotony, so my work displays a kaleidoscope of saturated hues dancing in a world of magic.

One of my favorite mediums to explore my imagination is self-portraiture. I am the subject I know best, so acting as the sitter and the photographer makes the whole process deeply personal. Growing up in a small town, I’ve always believed the extraordinary was only found in far-off places that only the lucky ever get to travel to - but after all the time shooting alone, I realized it resides within me. Getting to know myself and finding the magic inside has been my most remarkable adventure.

I sincerely hope you enjoy my work just as much as I enjoyed creating it!
