Wyoming Arts Council

Casper Children's Theatre

Contact: Audrey Egan

Casper, WY

Theatres/Performance Venues

Phone | 307-215-8922 (work)

Web | http://www.thecasperchildrenstheatre.com

Email | casperchildrenstheatre@gmail.com


The CCT's mission is to inspire, educate, cultivate, and foster creativity and self-worth for all children ages 4 to 18 through quality theatrical programs, performances, and workshops that empower them to become successful and respectful members of our community.
The Casper Children's Theatre promotes access and inclusivity for all students, families, and patrons. We oppose discrimination based on race, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and other factors that deny the essential humanity of all Natrona County residents.
Please check out our website, Facebook page, or Instagram page for all of the latest information on registering your young student, coming to see a show, applying for a scholarship, or donating your own theatrical arts talent to the CCT!
