Wyoming Arts Council

Opening reception for Boys & Girls Clubs Regional Art Exhibit is Feb. 25 in Rawlins

Opening reception for Boys & Girls Clubs Regional Art Exhibit is Feb. 25 in Rawlins

Zimbabwe performer Thomas Mapfumo visits UW for African Awareness Week

This comes from the University of Wyoming Office of Multicultural Affairs newsletter: Wyoming African Student Association (WASA) will be celebrating African Awareness Week starting February 14 to February 19. It
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Wyoming Tribune Eagle: "Mead appreciates art"

Wyoming Tribune-Eagle reporter Karen Cotton attended Friday night’s Governor’s Arts Awards bash in Cheyenne and wrote about Gov. Matt Mead’s first “State of the Arts” speech. Go to Mead appreciates
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Wyoming Tribune Eagle: "Mead appreciates art"

Wyoming Tribune-Eagle reporter Karen Cotton attended Friday night’s Governor’s Arts Awards bash in Cheyenne and wrote about Gov. Matt Mead’s first “State of the Arts” speech. Go to Mead appreciates
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No Right Brain Left Behind asks for ideas on how education can meet the "creativity challenge"

According to an IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs, creativity was identified “as the number one competitive edge” of the future, meaning the “soft skills” of the right brain need to
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No Right Brain Left Behind asks for ideas on how education can meet the "creativity challenge"

According to an IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs, creativity was identified “as the number one competitive edge” of the future, meaning the “soft skills” of the right brain need to
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Art Department faculty exhibit their work at UW Art Museum through March 19

Make a valentine for your honey at Art Design & Dine

From the Clay Paper Scissors Gallery, one of the stops on tonight’s Art Design & Dine art walk in Cheyenne: We’ll be having a free valentine-making workshop during Art, Design
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Make a valentine for your honey at Art Design & Dine

From the Clay Paper Scissors Gallery, one of the stops on tonight’s Art Design & Dine art walk in Cheyenne: We’ll be having a free valentine-making workshop during Art, Design
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