Wyoming Arts Council

Wyoming Writers, Inc., conference presenters earning their "Spurs"

News from John Nesbitt, Wyoming Writers, Inc., Board President: The annual Western Writers of America Spur Award winners have been announced, and it is with pleasure that I pass on a
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Wyoming Writers, Inc., conference presenters earning their "Spurs"

News from John Nesbitt, Wyoming Writers, Inc., Board President: The annual Western Writers of America Spur Award winners have been announced, and it is with pleasure that I pass on a
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John Byrne Cooke screens rare footage of Janis Joplin March 13 in Jackson

“Janis Joplin: Rare Footage,” a program to benefit the Jackson Hole Writers Conference, will take place on Sunday, March 13, 7 p.m., in the Center for the Arts Theatre in
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Northern Colorado Writers Conference March 11-12 in Fort Collins

At the Fort Collins Hilton. FMI: http://www.northerncoloradowriters.com/annual-conference-mainmenu-128.html

Sneak peek at line-up for 2011 Jackson Hole Writers Conference

The latest edition of the Jackson Hole Writers Conference e-newsletter featured a sneak peek at confirmed speakers for the summer 2011 conference: June 23-26, 2011 19th Annual Conference The lineup
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Wyoming Writers, Inc., announces full slate of presenters for its 2011 conference in Casper

Laramie’s Julianne Couch, board secretary for Wyoming Writers, Inc., sends this finalized list of presenters for the 2011 WWInc conference in Casper June 3-5. Start planning now: Lucia St. Clair
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"ReVisioning the (W)hole" at UW

 Ghost Fish by Margaret Haydon Ceramic Fish Ball by Margaret Haydon  The University of Wyoming will host the fourth annual “ReVisioning the (W)hole” conference at 7 p.m. Thursday,
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"ReVisioning the (W)hole" at UW

 Ghost Fish by Margaret Haydon Ceramic Fish Ball by Margaret Haydon  The University of Wyoming will host the fourth annual “ReVisioning the (W)hole” conference at 7 p.m. Thursday,
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WWInc at MPiBA this weekend; MPiBA director resigns

Lisa Knudsen, Colorado-based director of the Mountains and Plains Indpendent Booksellers Association, has announced she is leaving at the end of the year. Many booksellers in Wyoming are members of
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Western history writers gathering in Kanab, Utah

This info was passed along by our old pal at the Utah Arts Council, Guy Lebeda: Kanab will reach back to its literary roots when it hosts the first Writers
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