Wyoming Arts Council

In Cheyenne tonight: "The Music of Star Wars"

From the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle: Toby Rush is set to give his “The Music of Star Wars” presentation, a hit on the UNC campus, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at Highlands
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In Cheyenne tonight: "The Music of Star Wars"

From the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle: Toby Rush is set to give his “The Music of Star Wars” presentation, a hit on the UNC campus, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday at Highlands
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May the food be with you — at July 7 "Star Wars" food-raiser

Darth Vader wants your food — for Cheyenne NEEDS Highlands United Presbyterian Church announces its “Star Wars” Festival “food-raiser” for NEEDS. The STAR WARS FESTIVAL, is scheduled for 6:30-9:30 p..m.,
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May the food be with you — at July 7 "Star Wars" food-raiser

Darth Vader wants your food — for Cheyenne NEEDS Highlands United Presbyterian Church announces its “Star Wars” Festival “food-raiser” for NEEDS. The STAR WARS FESTIVAL, is scheduled for 6:30-9:30 p..m.,
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May the food be with you — at July 7 "Star Wars" food-raiser

Highlands Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce it will hold a Star Wars Festival “food-raiser” for NEEDS. The STAR WARS FESTIVAL, is scheduled for 6:30-9:30 p..m., Thursday, July 7, 2001
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May the food be with you — at July 7 "Star Wars" food-raiser

Highlands Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce it will hold a Star Wars Festival “food-raiser” for NEEDS. The STAR WARS FESTIVAL, is scheduled for 6:30-9:30 p..m., Thursday, July 7, 2001
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Eat, shop and watch a cool movie tonight in downtown Rawlins

Rawlins DDA/Main Street  has been working extremely hard the past few years on its downtown. Tonight, Rawwlins DDA/Main Street and the CarbonCountySchool District #1 Rec Board present Downtown Moonlight Movies,
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Call for entries: Women’s Film Institute Shorts Tour

The Women’s Film Institute is hitting the road again, and we are inviting you and your peers to submit your film to the the 3rd Annual Women’s Film Institute Shorts Tour!
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Call for entries: Women's Film Institute Shorts Tour

The Women’s Film Institute is hitting the road again, and we are inviting you and your peers to submit your film to the the 3rd Annual Women’s Film Institute Shorts Tour!
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Cheyenne International Film Festival film highlights the arts in downtown Cheyenne

The Cheyenne International Film Festival (CIFF) short documentary airs on Bresnan Cable Channel 19 in Cheyenne daily at noon and 7 p.m. The program emphasizes the importance of the arts
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