Wyoming Arts Council

Call for artists: Sign up now for next 20:20

This news comes from our friends at the UW Art Museum: The next 20:20 event is set for Wednesday, Sept. 23, 7-9 p.m. at Little America in Cheyenne. It will
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Cheyenne Frontier Days

Coming to work this morning, I thought I’d get here early to beat the parade entries that begin to line up on the street just north of the Arts Council’s
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Opera Colorado finds new fans in Wyoming

Opera Colorado’s Spotlight newsletter featured an article, “Wyoming Welcomes Opera Colorado Artists,” in its latest issue: On May 16, Opera Colorado broke new ground with a program at the Governor’s
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Preparing for Wyoming Plein Air Event

For more information, go to http://www.link-gallery.com

Venture into "The Vale of the Venomous Vixen"

The Old-Fashioned Summer Melodrama opens this Friday at Cheyene’s Historic Atlas Theatre, 211 W. Lincolnway. The melodrama launches the Cheyenne Little Theatre’s 80th season. One melodrama with many titles, as
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Venture into "The Vale of the Venomous Vixen"

The Old-Fashioned Summer Melodrama opens this Friday at Cheyene’s Historic Atlas Theatre, 211 W. Lincolnway. The melodrama launches the Cheyenne Little Theatre’s 80th season. One melodrama with many titles, as
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"The Many Facets of Silk" in Cheyenne

Phillippa K. Lack will show her work in the exhibit “Fresh Fiber: The Many Facets of Silk” at the studio in the offices of architect Glen Garrett, 1623 Capitol Ave.,
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"The Many Facets of Silk" in Cheyenne

Phillippa K. Lack will show her work in the exhibit “Fresh Fiber: The Many Facets of Silk” at the studio in the offices of architect Glen Garrett, 1623 Capitol Ave.,
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Molesworth exhibit at Wyoming State Museum

An exhibit of rustic Thomas Molesworth furniture is on display at the Wyoming State Museum through October 24. The exhibit, titled, “Molesworth: Selections from the Permanent Collection,” features 28 pieces
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Karol Griffin talks about tattoos as art form

On Saturday, July 18, 2 p.m., author (“Skin Deep”) and tattoo artist Karol Griffin will lead a discussion on the history of tattoo as an art form, featuring examples from
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