Wyoming Arts Council

You’re invited to Readers Theater Dec. 14

Just received this e-mail from Cheyenne author and actor Jim Rolf: Every so often, I get an opportunity to do something that really moves me and that gives me great
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You're invited to Readers Theater Dec. 14

Just received this e-mail from Cheyenne author and actor Jim Rolf: Every so often, I get an opportunity to do something that really moves me and that gives me great
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Cockeyed, by William Missouri Downs

Catch the final performances of “Cockeyed,” a new comedy by William Missouri Downs, directed by Patti Kelly, December 7, 8, and 9 at the Historic Atlas Theatre at 7:30 p.m.
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Audition: "Tuesdays with Morrie"

From Harry Woods, Cheyenne Little Theatre Players:Just a reminder about auditions for the second Readers Theatre which is “Tuesdays With Morrie” from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Atlas on Tuesday, Dec.
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Audition: "Tuesdays with Morrie"

From Harry Woods, Cheyenne Little Theatre Players:Just a reminder about auditions for the second Readers Theatre which is “Tuesdays With Morrie” from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Atlas on Tuesday, Dec.
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Downs’ new play explores Shepard legacy

From a UW press release: The lingering stigma attached to the University of Wyoming and Laramie by the murder of student Matthew Shepard almost 10 years ago — and the
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Downs' new play explores Shepard legacy

From a UW press release: The lingering stigma attached to the University of Wyoming and Laramie by the murder of student Matthew Shepard almost 10 years ago — and the
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"The Legend of Santa Pig"

From the Casper Children’s Theatre: THE NOT-READY-FOR-BEDTIME PLAYERS (AGES 8-12) PRESENT “THE LEGEND OF SANTA PIG” This play answers the age old philosophical question: “If It’s Christmas In The Barnyard
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"The Legend of Santa Pig"

From the Casper Children’s Theatre: THE NOT-READY-FOR-BEDTIME PLAYERS (AGES 8-12) PRESENT “THE LEGEND OF SANTA PIG” This play answers the age old philosophical question: “If It’s Christmas In The Barnyard
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Downs’ "Cockeyed" debuts in Cheyenne

“Cockeyed,” a play by UW Theatre Dept. professor (and Governor’s Arts Awards recipient) William Missouri Downs, will be presented Nov. 30-Dec. 2 and Dec. 6-9 at the Historic Atlas Theatre
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