To access Arts Education Grant final reports click here.
Programs must show potential to, or have a proven record of, providing learning experiences that increase knowledge and skills in one or more art forms. This program supports:
Grant activities can range from a yearlong project to a series of related or unrelated projects, or a season of arts education programs. Technical assistance projects, such as curriculum development and planning for arts education programs are also eligible. Arts education programming should be designed to each specific arts learning goals, and evaluation methods should be designed to measure those goals. It is recommended that evaluation include more than a count of attendees and subjective opinions, although anecdotal evidence can be a valuable form of evaluation.
Deadline: March 1, with draft deadline Feb. 15, 2015
Timeline: Project dates must fall between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016
Amount: Maximum request is $7,000
Match Requirements: Grants cannot exceed 30% of total cash expenses. In-Kind donations and services do NOT count as match in this program, but are recommended.
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