Wyoming Arts Council

Grants to Organizations

To access Grants to Organizations final report click here.

The WAC’s largest grant category supports the production of arts programs, projects and events in local communities across the state. GTO grants promote artistic excellence and a breadth of artistic experience for audiences of all ages and abilities.

Projects encompass all the arts including performing, visual, literary, media, folk, or multi-disciplinary arts. Funded projects are community based and do not have arts education as the primary focus. Appropriate activities can range from a single performance, reading or exhibit to a yearlong project, series of projects, multiple unrelated projects, a season of arts programs and activities, and single or multi-day festivals. Do not submit GTO applications for operating support funds. GTO applications should be specific to the proposed projects and should not include other basic organizational expenditures.

Note: Wyoming non-profit arts organizations are limited to applying for the Operating Support OR Grants to Organizations program each fiscal year.

  • If cash expenses for your project or series of projects total $5,000 or less, apply for an Arts Project grant.
  • If cash expenses for a single project total more than $5,000, you may request up to 30% of those expenses, not to exceed $2,500.
  • If cash expenses for your series of projects, multiple unrelated projects or yearlong programs (including festivals)  total more than $3,000, you may request up to 30% of those expenses, not to exceed $7,000.

NOTE:  Organizations may receive funding for either a Operating Support grant OR a Grants to Organizations grant, but not both.

Grant Information

Deadline: March 15 - Staff will review and provide comments on drafts of applications submitted by or on March 1.
Timeline: Project dates must fall between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016
Amount: Maximum request is $7,000
Match Requirements: Grants must be matched as listed above in AMOUNT. In-kind donations and services do NOT count as match, but are recommended.
Apply Here
