Meet the bookfest authors: Susanne Bloomfield
Uncategorized | Posted: September 3, 2008
Susanne George Bloomfield’s ten books include three biographies published by the University of Nebraska Press: “Impertinences: Selected Editorials of Elia W. Peattie, A Journalist in the Gilded Age” (2005); “Kate
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Bookfest reports online registration glitz
Uncategorized | Posted: September 3, 2008
Here’s some crucial information (from Laurie Lye at Casper College) for those who registered online during Labor Day weekend for Equality State Book Festival: In an unprecedented move, the registration
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Brush up on your unarmed combat skills at Jackson workshop
Uncategorized | Posted: September 3, 2008
An intensive unarmed combat workshop will be offered in the evenings and on the weekend from Sept. 15 – 24th. This fascinating branch of performance simulates onstage fighting without injuring
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Three points-of-view on democratic elections
Uncategorized | Posted: September 3, 2008
This comes from Rebecca Huntington at the Teton County Public Library in Jackson: Forget the polling data and hyperventilating pundits. What’s the real-life experience of voters in America? How do
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Colorado Singers/Songwriters in Laramie
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
From a UW press release: Four Colorado artists will entertain Wyoming concert-goers at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3, in the University of Wyoming Union ballroom in Laramie. The concert is
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AVA offers photographic tile workshop
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
Shaun Griffin on the road in December
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
Hi Mike, Hoping this note finds you well. Just back from Spain. Was able to paint and write beneath the Alhambra. What a blessing! Will be coming to Salt Lake
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Bookfest session: Trout Fishing in America
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
A panel of experts at the Equality State Book Festival will address one of the Rocky Mountain West’s favorite topics: fishing, fly-fishing in particular.The presentation, “Catching the Big One: Writers
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Meet the bookfest authors: Everett Akam
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
Casper College History Professor Everett Akam directs the college’s Veritas Honors Institute and teaches U.S. History, Western Civilization, Wyoming History, and American and Wyoming Government at the college. He holds
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Bookfests aplenty this fall in WY & UT
Uncategorized | Posted: September 2, 2008
The Equality State Book Festival is set for Sept. 18-20 in Casper. This is the second annual statewide bookfest and features a full line-up of writers, poets, editors and agents.
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