Wyoming Arts Council


Minerva Teichert’s Roping the Bear August 15-16, 2008 Cokeville, Wyoming This art show takes place in Minerva Teichert’s hometown of Cokeville, Wyoming, where she raised her family while producing marvelous
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Call for entries: "Water" exhibit at WNAC

Ricki Klages, head of the University of Wyoming art department and winner of a 2008 WAC visual arts fellowship, will serve as the judge for the West Nebraska Arts Center
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Call for entries: "Water" exhibit at WNAC

Ricki Klages, head of the University of Wyoming art department and winner of a 2008 WAC visual arts fellowship, will serve as the judge for the West Nebraska Arts Center
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B.J. Buckley’s poems in Mezzo Cammin

This comes from poet B.J. Buckley, a Cheyenne native who lives in Lolo, Mont.: “The online magazine Mezzo Cammin accepted several poems for their June issue, which should be up
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B.J. Buckley's poems in Mezzo Cammin

This comes from poet B.J. Buckley, a Cheyenne native who lives in Lolo, Mont.: “The online magazine Mezzo Cammin accepted several poems for their June issue, which should be up
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Matt Flint: The Slide Show

Lander’s Matt Flint was recently named one of the Wyoming Arts Council’s three visual arts fellowship recipients for 2008. We’ve composed a slide show of the works he submitted for
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WAC visual arts fellowships announced

The Wyoming Arts Council is pleased to announce the winners of the 2008 visual arts fellowships. They are Matt Flint, Lander; Ricki Klages, Laramie; and Doug Russell, Laramie. They each
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Here’s to summer

From TED KOOSER, U.S. POET LAUREATE, 2004-2006 Texas poet R. S. Gwynn is a master of the light touch. Here he picks up on Gerard Manley Hopkins’ sonnet “Pied Beauty,”
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Here's to summer

From TED KOOSER, U.S. POET LAUREATE, 2004-2006 Texas poet R. S. Gwynn is a master of the light touch. Here he picks up on Gerard Manley Hopkins’ sonnet “Pied Beauty,”
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2008 National Performing Arts Convention in Denver

June 10-14, 2008, in Denver Colorado, the performing arts community will come together in Denver like never before: to affirm its shared history and values, to communicate its importance to
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