Wyoming Arts Council

Auditions Feb. 9-10 for "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change"

The Cheyenne Little Theatre Players will hold auditions for “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change” on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 9 and 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Historic
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Kenya’s wildlife topic of NMWA presentation

Zeenie Scholz sends this info about an upcoming event at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson:The National Museum of Wildlife Art presents “Into Africa: Kenya’s Wildlife and the
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Kenya's wildlife topic of NMWA presentation

Zeenie Scholz sends this info about an upcoming event at the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson:The National Museum of Wildlife Art presents “Into Africa: Kenya’s Wildlife and the
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Aliza Sherman conducts "Blogs, Microblogs and Social Networks" workshop March 30 in Lander

Writer and one-time Wyomingite Aliza Sherman returns to the state for a workshop entitled “Blogs, Microblogs, Social Networks, Oh My! Using social media tools to market in a whole new
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Aliza Sherman conducts "Blogs, Microblogs and Social Networks" workshop March 30 in Lander

Writer and one-time Wyomingite Aliza Sherman returns to the state for a workshop entitled “Blogs, Microblogs, Social Networks, Oh My! Using social media tools to market in a whole new
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Dissertation Makes History at the University of Wyoming

Gatua wa Mbugwa wrote the first-ever doctoral dissertation in a Kenyan African language. (UW Photo) From a UW press release: The first-ever doctoral dissertation in a Kenyan African language has
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HB0218 update–Hathaway Success Curriculum

As of this morning, House Bill 0218 had moved up on the House’s schedule from about 10th from the bottom to 13th from the top. This means there is a
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"Give Back to Dave Wade" in Cokeville

Intrepid blogger and community organizer Karla Toomer posted this info Wednesday on the Cokeville blog: Through the years, artist Dave Wade has supported Cokeville fundraisers through the donations of his
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"Give Back to Dave Wade" in Cokeville

Intrepid blogger and community organizer Karla Toomer posted this info Wednesday on the Cokeville blog: Through the years, artist Dave Wade has supported Cokeville fundraisers through the donations of his
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Bryan Ragsdale performs in Cheyenne

Wyoming Arts Council roster artist Bryan Ragsdale will be performing in Cheyenne next week. The Green River singer/songwriter will conduct a short performance for the Wyoming State Legislature at 10
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